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What to expect on Sunday morning
We meet weekly for worship at 10:30 Sunday mornings. If you are wondering what that looks like, here’s a rough progression of what the gathering looks like. At 10:30, we start with a couple of songs. We encourage everyone to sing along, but if you’re shy, no one will be making you stand up or clap. Next,we break for 10 minutes to grab coffee and snacks and take time to meet people or catch up on what everyone has been up to.
Refreshments in hand, we then have a half hour message from scripture. Our teaching series may be an expositional walk through a book of the Bible, or topical series based on the season or areas in which we are trying to grow. We move from the teaching time back into about a half hour of worshiping in song. Our music is a blend of traditional hymns and praise songs from the last few decades up to today. There is time for prayer, reflection and communion built into this structure. We wrap up with announcements and a benediction, and then head out.
We have at least one social “after event” each week directly following the gathering. Examples include playing sports, potlucks, taking a hike, games, or, through most of the fall, watching the Seahawks.
If you have any other questions, please contact us, and we hope that you’ll join us sometime soon!

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